Thursday, November 15, 2007

Peacock Feathers Update

Basically, I've abandoned all other knitting projects in favor of this shawl. I did have to punish the project for 2 days for being tricksy, though. My count was off about 5 times in 2 rows. There was a LOT of tinking back and counting it out again and again and again. It was always a very silly mistake on my part. For instance, instead of doing a double decrease, I did a single decrease. Not good for my stitch count, I can tell you that much! A few times I was unable to ascertain where I went wrong, but I'm happy to report that it doesn't matter. I just completed chart 1A and inserted a new life line. I get to start on chart 2 next time! Hooray! Each row is getting longer and longer yet I'm still having fun with this project. I don't know how I'm going to stay motivated when my rows have an ungodly number of stitches, but I'm trying to stay positive and I'm avoiding such thoughts at all costs. I'll take a cue from 12 step wisdom and take it one stitch at a time. :)

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