Thursday, November 15, 2007
Peacock Feathers Update
Basically, I've abandoned all other knitting projects in favor of this shawl. I did have to punish the project for 2 days for being tricksy, though. My count was off about 5 times in 2 rows. There was a LOT of tinking back and counting it out again and again and again. It was always a very silly mistake on my part. For instance, instead of doing a double decrease, I did a single decrease. Not good for my stitch count, I can tell you that much! A few times I was unable to ascertain where I went wrong, but I'm happy to report that it doesn't matter. I just completed chart 1A and inserted a new life line. I get to start on chart 2 next time! Hooray! Each row is getting longer and longer yet I'm still having fun with this project. I don't know how I'm going to stay motivated when my rows have an ungodly number of stitches, but I'm trying to stay positive and I'm avoiding such thoughts at all costs. I'll take a cue from 12 step wisdom and take it one stitch at a time. :)
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Am I crazy enough for this?
Today I went to my favorite LYS and found they had a few of the Fiddlesticks patterns in their books. I've been eyeing the Peacock Feathers shawl for a while now but I just couldn't justify spending over $10 on a pattern I've never seen in person. Well, wouldn't you know it? They had it at the yarn store and it looks rather intense. It doesn't appear as though the pattern itself is crazy hard, but it's a LOT of knitting. There are many, many charts involved, too, which concerned me. I thought to myself, "I'd have to be crazy to try this!"
Lo and behold, I cast on for it today. I did a small practice swatch with some Plymouth Encore and it went surprisingly well. So, I just dove in. Oh and I just have to mention the needles I'm using. The pattern calls for a size 4 32" circular needle which is something I don't already own. Well, after looking at the circs available at the LYS, I decided to just go all out. They didn't have a very large selection available, I can tell you that much. They had Addi Turbos, which I love, for about $16 and they had Lantern Moon Destiny needles for $20. Normally, I'd probably grab the Addis, but I'm wanting to knit a lace shawl with these needles, so I figured I should get some form of wooden needle so the stitches will stick a little more. Lace weight yarn on aluminum needles = a lot of dropped stitches and cursing for me. So, instead I got the Lantern Moon needles. They are gorgeous! Almost too pretty to knit with. I got them in ebony . I almost bought the yarn the pattern called for, but I bought some Knitpick's Alpaca Cloud a while ago with the intention of using it for a shawl. So, that's what I'm using. I bought the light pink Peppermint colorway and I hope it comes out well. Honestly, I'm really hoping that I'm crazy enough to make this pattern period. It's intimidating for someone that can take forever to just knit a pair of socks! But, I'm excited to give it a go. Wish me luck!
I will need it. :)
Lo and behold, I cast on for it today. I did a small practice swatch with some Plymouth Encore and it went surprisingly well. So, I just dove in. Oh and I just have to mention the needles I'm using. The pattern calls for a size 4 32" circular needle which is something I don't already own. Well, after looking at the circs available at the LYS, I decided to just go all out. They didn't have a very large selection available, I can tell you that much. They had Addi Turbos, which I love, for about $16 and they had Lantern Moon Destiny needles for $20. Normally, I'd probably grab the Addis, but I'm wanting to knit a lace shawl with these needles, so I figured I should get some form of wooden needle so the stitches will stick a little more. Lace weight yarn on aluminum needles = a lot of dropped stitches and cursing for me. So, instead I got the Lantern Moon needles. They are gorgeous! Almost too pretty to knit with. I got them in ebony . I almost bought the yarn the pattern called for, but I bought some Knitpick's Alpaca Cloud a while ago with the intention of using it for a shawl. So, that's what I'm using. I bought the light pink Peppermint colorway and I hope it comes out well. Honestly, I'm really hoping that I'm crazy enough to make this pattern period. It's intimidating for someone that can take forever to just knit a pair of socks! But, I'm excited to give it a go. Wish me luck!
I will need it. :)
Monday, November 5, 2007
One down...

But, I did finish a Crest of the Wave sock the other day. We lost power one night (for 13 hours) and I was able to Kitchener my sock toe closed by candlelight. It sounds romantic when I type it out, but really it was just a pain in the arse and made me really appreciate good lighting. I wanted to weave in the ends on the sock that night too, but in the end, I decided it would be too dangerous to do so with only candlelight to guide me. So, instead, it's sitting on the top of my knitting bag mocking me. One day, sock, I will finish you and that's not a threat; it's a promise! [insert evil laugh here]
Originally, I figured I would cast on for the mate to the Resurrection sock after finishing this Crest of the Wave sock. But, strangely enough, I cast on for the other CotW sock instead. I was watching a rerun of Top Chef when I cast on and I nearly finished the cuff while watching. (Can I just say that Tiffani was a really unlikeable person on the show? I mean, seriously, she came off as so evil! I don't usually trust the editors of reality shows, but when it comes to her... well, I'm not sure what to think. But anyway...) So while I haven't been knitting very consistently or for long periods of time, I've been hauling ass when I do pick up the needles.
I also cast on for a Shocking Pink Coif from the other day, but it will be a Shocking Turquoise Coif if anything. The pattern isn't totally working for me right now though, so I don't know if I will continue to work it or just rip it out. Oh and I made a huge 8 and 1/2 inch square wash cloth the other day. I did it all in seed stitch and I really like how it turned out. It looks like it could really scrub the heck out of some dishes. Now I just have to decide if I should keep it or give it away.
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