Well, I'm more than halfway done with the gusset decreases. I have about 6 rounds left until I start the foot, if I remember correctly. It's been kind of hot and my motivation is waning just a bit. Yes I realize that I live in a climate controlled environment, but the outside conditions still manage to affect me.
Okay, then there's this gem of a story. It happens all the time, but it still drives me crazy when it happens. Anyway, I belong to a book swapping community and I love love love it. I had a book order that I needed to wrap and take to the post office by the 5
th. Well, tomorrow is a holiday, so I decided to just go ahead and take it up there today. So I printed out the label, wrapped the book up, and went to the post office. It was a fast and easy trip and when I got home, I went to mark it mailed on the site. Wouldn't you know it? I had another brand new request waiting for me!!! I have my shelf scheduled to go on hold in a few days so that I can go to Alicia's wedding and not have to worry about people ordering books from me. I really didn't think I'd get too many requests prior to that because I haven't posted anything new in a while. Oh well. It's just
Murphy's Law at work. You would be shocked at how often this happens to me. I try to save up my book orders so that I only have to go to the post office every once in a while. But, the book swapping Gods have quite the sense of humor when it comes to me. :)
Well, that's it for now. Time to watch some lame TV and think about knitting on that sock, even though I know I won't. :)